
Danny Witter

CEO & Co-founder

Do Well By Doing Good - Danny Witter of Work For Good

May 3, 2019
Danny Witter

Work For Good

Danny Witter is the co-founder of Work For Good. He is an investment banker turn social entrepreneur. Work For Good is a business giving online platform that makes it easy for businesses to build giving into their day to day work – impressing their clients, and inspiring their people, at the same time. We connect them to their chosen charities, and have solved the legal and tax impediments to the giving process.

Danny Witter says, "of the £20 Billion that goes to charities in the UK, a miserable 2% comes from businesses. Individuals gives 47%. People like you and me give 20 times more in absolute terms in cash than businesses giving to charities."

Highlights of this episode:

  • Helping businesses tell their giving story
  • Solving the tech and legal challenge of Work For Good
  • Why don't businesses embed more business giving?
  • Wateraid and Friends of the Earth turn away 5 business a week
  • Examples of businesses using Work For Good and embedd giving in their business
  • Everyone loves our logo
  • Creating a massive additive channel of philanthropic funding

Useful links:

Work For Good - https://workforgood.co.uk/

Danny Witter's Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/danny-witter-94561225/


[01:04] What's the biggest friction for small businesses to do giving?

[02:45] Linking businesses with charities with small little amounts of giving

[03:38] Receiving an email saying we have donated on your behalf

[04:55] Restaurant that has a charity table where 

[05:50] How is the business model for Work for Good

[06:39] What lead to setting up the business as a for-profit

[09:44] Creating behaviour change for business

[10:50] Raising for a seed round impact funding

[11:38] Making a pledge for hitting a target

[13:04] Beautiful toys that make 10% to WWF via Work for Good

[13:47] Reason for starting Work for Good

[16:14] Achievements in the last 3.5 years

[18:03] We need to make the tech more integrated

[19:10] Creating a bigger tribe

[19:15] Vision of Work for Good

Listen to this episode now:

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ro/podcast/34-danny-witter-of-work-for-good-do-well-by-doing-good/id1290523873?i=1000437105071

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5vUi6ui8BLBVMek5bwjZHL