
Andrew O'Brien

CEO & Founder of Goodbox

Contactless Charity Donation Boxes - Andrew O'Brien of Goodbox

Aug 2, 2019
Andrew O'Brien

Contactless Charity Donation Boxes

Andrew O'Brien is CEO and founder of Goodbox. Andrew brings over one decade of experience in investment banking to the table from his time at Credit Suisse and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China. Andrew was introduced to FinTech during his time as Managing Director of QixPay, ultimately completing its sale in 2017.

GoodBox is a tech for good company, founded on the insight that a cashless society is having a negative impact on the charity sector. GoodBox have set out to develop the world’s best fundraising platform. Since then, they’ve raised over a million pounds for charities, and built a platform that ensures that when it comes to technology, charities never have to settle.


  • Problems of current contactless payments
  • How Goodbox is overtaking cash as the main source of income
  • Reid Hoffman on the importance of changing your pricing model
  • Barak Obama on "Nobody has a monopoly on wisdom"
  • Importance of managing risk for startups and scaleups
  • Vision of solving the 'bottlenecks' in the charity sectors

Useful links:

Goodbox - https://www.goodbox.com/
Andrew OBrien's Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-o-brien-4b375b92/

Time Stamp:

[02:33] How much are charities losing out as society become cashless
[04:10] How did Andrew discover the problem?
[06:32] How is Goodbox different from other solutions
[09:30] How far have you come?
[11:30] How Goodbox is making a difference to churches, museums and charities
[13:20] Goodbox revenue model
[16:00] Why you shouldn't just take a leap of faith
[17:40] Working on an idea on weekends
[19:30] Importance of partnering with the best in the sector
[21:00] 10 year vision

Listen to this episode now:

Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/46-andrew-obrien-goodbox-contactless-charity-donation/id1290523873?i=1000445937585

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/204JcuzWYe5JxE7uLUbCKq

Google Podcast: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hdWRpb2Jvb20uY29tL2NoYW5uZWxzLzQ5Mjk5ODAucnNz&episode=dGFnOmF1ZGlvYm9vbS5jb20sMjAxOS0wOC0wMjovcG9zdHMvNzMzMTgwOA

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