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June 20, 2024

Revolutionizing Data Analysis For Precision Medicine

Traditional biology experiments have always been slow. Oftentimes, a single experiment will result in one data point, which leads to delayed learnings. Even famous laboratories take 20 to 30 years before they could even learn something new about a certain disease. Adam Kurkiewicz, Chief Executive Officer at Biomage Ltd, is a software engineer who wanted to make a difference in the world. Because of his passion, he was able to come up with a software that revolutionized data analysis for precision medicine.

Traditional biology experiments have always been slow. Oftentimes, a single experiment will result in one data point, which leads to delayed learnings. Even famous laboratories take 20 to 30 years before they could even learn something new about a certain disease. Adam Kurkiewicz, Chief Executive Officer at Biomage Ltd, is a software engineer who wanted to make a difference in the world. Because of his passion, he was able to come up with a software that revolutionized data analysis for precision medicine. 

“Data sets no longer lead to the next experiment. Data set now lead to a heap of results” - Adam Kurkiewicz

Today, there is a big shift in how biology is done. According to Adam, one bio experiment can actually create 200 millions data points. But this shift doesn’t come easy. Making sense of all of that data is difficult. You need computing power that’s going to help you process that data and present it in an understandable way. 

In fact, Bio researchers have given up on the data analytics side. They have opted to work with Bioinformaticians, a trained professional, to help them make sense of their data.

However, this process is not without its challenges. First is that, there are only a few bioinformaticians in the world and there are so many biologists. 

Aside from the disproportionate number, there is also a huge knowledge chasm between the two, which slows down the process. Biologists don't understand what’s possible on the analytical side, and bioinformaticians don't understand the bio questions. Lastly, this procedure is very expensive. 

Adam has found a way to solve all this problem. He has built a software that allows both for the computational bit, which is the data processing, and also for the analytics bit, which is understanding the science behind the data. 

By using their software, biologists will now be able to use it and analyze data themselves, and the software will be able to produce around 80% of what they will be getting from bioinformaticians.

As a matter of fact, they were working with a researcher who, by using their technology, discovered a biological mechanism that causes failure of the bypass. And because it was detected, they were able to devise a plan to stop the reaction from happening. 


Biomage is on a path to solving the biggest problems in the health industry. Not only are they speeding up the process of medicine discovery, they are also helping biologists to be more sustainable and independent.

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